National Consultations

For your information and response to the survey attached on the coroners reforms, post implementation review.

As you may be aware, when the last Government implemented the coroner reforms in the Coroner and Justice Act 2009, it undertook to review their impact after they had been in place for 18 months. We are pleased to announce that we have, today, launched our post-implementation review.

The aims of the 2009Act were to put the needs of bereaved people at the heart of the coroner service; for coroner services to be locally delivered within a framework of national standards; and to enable a more efficient system of investigations and inquests. The review seeks to find out whether the reforms are operating as expected and whether there have been any unintended consequences.

Survey for our stakeholders

We are thereforewriting directly to a number of stakeholder groups (coroners, local authorities, faith groups, volunteer organisations, pathologists and registrars) toseek views through a set of surveys.

Below is a link to the survey designed to fully capture your views. We estimate that this will take approximately 30 minutes to complete, although this may vary according to how many questions you answer and the length of your answers.

If you are aware of anyone else in your specific field who should have received this emailbut did not, feel free to forward them this e-mail.

Call of evidence for the general public

If you are aware of individuals who wish to contribute to our review, but do not work in your area of work, please direct them to our call for evidence( This has been designed to capture the views of the wider general public.Please feel free to share or publicise this call for evidence as widely as you wish but there is no need for you to respond to it as your views should be captured in your survey.

Please ensure that you have completed your survey by 10 December 2015to make sure that it is considered in the review.The Government′s response will be published in early 2016.